My favorite quote of the day: "Uh oh, I think she has energies". This was what Jasmine said when one of our dogs sneezed.
Jasmine, my three year old is wonderful. It is probably my favorite age. They're so funny, I just love the way their minds work at this age. That's why I took Early Childhood Education as a specialization in my Elementary Ed degree all those years ago. :) I remember this age even with my two older ones, who are now 15 and 11. And I have a two year old who will likely bring me as much entertainment in about a year as the other three have already done. Not to mention all the grandchildren I have (or am about to have). ahhh
So anyhow, Jasmine was wanting to help do the laundry the other day. I use that term "help" very loosely. It's like when Sophie, my two year old, wants to "help" with the dishes. It makes a 15 minute job about a 30 minute job. But, it's all good. :-)
Back to my pile of laundry. I taught Jasmine how to fold various things, such as a hand towel, wash cloth, and dish towels. She felt very proud of herself when she made it resemble mine. She would carefully fold, sometimes folding the wrong way so that it would look like a man's tie... but she would see the error of her ways and correct it. She was feeling very proud. When I had finished with the rest of them, she had a small pile that had her name all over them. The edges didn't meet up, they were crooked in every sense of the word. A person with OCD couldn't have dealt with it! My mom, sister and 11 year old daughter, would have 'fixed' them for sure. But I resisted and thanked her for her help and told her what a great job she did. I asked her to go and put the washcloth and hand towel under the sink in the bathroom. She returned in about a minute, and I sent her into the kitchen with the hand towels. I told her to put them in the towel drawer in the kitchen. Again, she felt so accomplished, she was beaming! I just love this age.
So, fast forward a few hours. I had finally put Sophie down for her nap and had a chance to run to the bathroom... I seem to 'hold it' way too long if I get busy with the kids. My bladder is amazing sometimes! lol So as I am sitting down, I looked straight ahead at Jasmine's Amelia Bedelia moment. I had asked her to put the hand towel and washcloth under the sink. I didn't say "put it in the cabinet which is under the sink." She had neatly folded them and placed them very carefully under the entire cabinet and on the floor, which was under the sink. Oh my goodness, it was so funny! I guess you had to be there. Did I tell you how much I like this age?
Yes, I love when they don't understand and take things so literally and do that stuff. I think it is funny Teresa, and so I'm laughing along with you.
Love, Beckie
Ahhh I love it!! :) I can see you laughing in the bathroom!
HA! HA! That is soooooo cute! Hey, she DID follow your directions. Adorable.
Give that sweetie girl big kisses for me!!! I just love that age!!
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